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Face-Masks Demystified

The Tres Belle Blog is where you can get the latest info on specials, new services, Biologique Recherche product news, and skincare tips from Brooklyn’s Best Spa.

Microneedling Benefits

Dear Friends,

Unlike other techniques, we use a systematic approach to stimulate your body's natural healing response, reversing skin damage due to both environmental stresses and genetic factors. As we create micro-injuries to your dermis, it floods itself with collagen and elastin to protect itself. What this means for you, is skin that will show:

  • smoother surface

  • faded acne scars

  • more firmness

  • pigmentation fades

  • softens the appearance of wrinkles-like fluffing up a pillow, your lines will plump right out.

Your skin is first cleansed of all debris. We then apply numbing cream to the treatment area to allow for a comfortable, pain free procedure. Next, we use Dermapen to “stamp” the skin to stimulate a collagen and elastin response. We flood the skin with active serums from Biologique Recherche to address your unique requests. The skin is then reconditioned and treated to a custom selection of serums, masks, creams to promote cellular regeneration and healing. We use your body’s own response to improve the overall health and beauty of your skin.